Flicking through The Sunday Telegraph's Stella magazine over lunch, That's Not My Age nearly spat out a mouthful of Moroccan vegetable soup. Poor Mr TNMA, he doesn't get much attention these days, if I'm not on the blog I've got my head stuck inside a newspaper or magazine - even at the dinner table. But there was a good reason for my poor table manners, That's Not My Age has been name-checked in a national magazine! Stella's, '2009 The way we wore,' is a review of the year in fashion, from Balmain's Michael Jackson catwalk tribute to First lady fever, four fabulous pages of end-of-the-decade style moments. Teens vs grown-ups pitches younger models against seasoned supermodels, and Tavi vs That's Not My Age. Now these two bloggers have been mentioned in the same sentence before, but last time, I wrote it.
So in a piece of blatant self-promotion, I've scanned in the page for all to see. That's Not My Age, sitting right there next to Anna Wintour, and hopefully it won't be the last time!