Not wanting to be outdone by HRH, That's Not My Age has gone one better: three birthdays. So, July 14 2008 is the anniversary of my first style-over-forty post (featuring Mary Portas, of course), August 23 2009, the anniversary of my first trip out as an amateur style spotter with photographer, Fashionistable and August 25 2009 is the date of one's second blog post, or my official Blog Day, when things really got serious. So, a whole year has passed since two forty-something females decided that chasing strangers down the street with a camera was a good idea, and to celebrate there was coffee and cake and a couple of photos:
Aerobics teacher, Laura Avanti (above) enjoys mixing old and new, high street and designer. Anita's easy-going style is reflected in her choice of handbags. A ChloƩ leather number on one arm and a shoulder bag made out of an old Armani skirt on the other.

For a cool summer look, Anita Sobti teams natural fabrics - a silk over-shirt and linen trousers - with some top notch accessories, and always follows her father's advice: whatever your budget, whatever you wear, do it with confidence.
Happy Birthday to me! Another 99 years and I'll get a telegram.