Apparently, admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving that problem. Apparently. Although I admitted that I had a problem a very long time ago, I still seem incapable of kicking the habit.
Here, I will give you the five ways to tell if you - too - are a SHOPAHOLIC:
1. You hide purchases and trips to the shops: from your mum, your boyfriend, your husband, whoever. I am completely guilty of doing this! I often shove my shopping bags in the bottom of my wardrobe to get out at a later date when the boyf isn't around.
2. You have credit cards - and mounting debt - that no-one else knows about. Thankfully, this is something I do not have. Although have been known to over-spend in a month.
3. You are an emotional shopper: you shop when happy/sad/angry/whatever. I think I have admitted that I do this before. When I was at university, I would use a rubbish class, a boring lecture or a good grade as an excuse to go shopping.
4. You neglect your "needs" in order to pay for your shopping trips: bills, rent and food goes out of the window and in come shoes, clothes, make-up, jewellery. I admit, when I was at university, I thought nothing of living on beans on toast for a week in order to pay for a new outfit; today, however, I enjoy my food too much!
5. You are a compulsive buyer: you see something you want and you buy it. I'm getting better about this. I know where there are gaps in my wardrobe and what I need and tend to buy these instead of impulsive buys. But sometimes, something is just too good to miss!
Are you a shopaholic? Come on, no need to hide here.