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Death of the Ugg

The Ugg boot is well and truly dead. We saw its peak when worn by Kate and Siena after its launch in 2003. But its lowest point? – that has to be when recently worn by rock legend Ronnie Wood (particularly when sporting the mint green pair) and action hero Bruce Willis.

Tragically, the Ugg is not entirely dead, it still remains alive and kicking with the WAGS, sixteen-year-old backcombed haired toffs and the slummy mummy’s. However, would you ever take fashion advice from someone who tucks in tracksuit bottoms in to a pair of slippers?

But why are Uggs still going strong in these groups? Perhaps because they are the easy option; they are the slippers of the outside world, and are guaranteed to keep your feet warm in the cold winter months. However does this make up for their lack of style, ubiquitous nature and their ability to make you walk flat-footed? I think I’ll give them a miss.

Much to my bemusement the Ugg opening in London’s new Westfield shopping centre caused mass hysteria, so much so that doorman still have to control the flow of people every weekend.

I had a pair in 2004 whilst at University for the comfort and got rid of them after a year because I thought they were dated then. Perhaps Ugg wearers are hoping that they’ll come full circle again like wide-legged jeans, platform shoes and sequins. Word of advice, you store items that you perceive as having future fashion credentials, you do not wear them solidly until they come back in fashion!

What is your opinion on Ugg boots? Do you love or hate them?