Susan Greenleaf, 39 (nearly there Susan!) was at the market with her ever-so-stylish twins Quinn and Hansen. She's wearing an old APC top and a neat little chapeau. We like her laid-back style.

Leon Herbert, 54, says, 'I'm wearing white because it makes me feel angelic!" His jacket only cost a fiver from an old army & navy store.

Irene Duffy, 88, runs a market stall and loves wearing fitted shirts and trousers - but top marks to this stylish lady who always finishes off the look with a sassy scarf.

Krt (and no, that's not a typo) Williams, over 40, works for fabulous fashion company, Junky Styling. We love Krt's nonchalantly piled on necklaces and recycled cuff.

Young Soo Park - can you believe it, is 60 years old? Yes six-o, amazing eh? He's a fashion designer from south Korea and is head-to-toe 10 Corso Como, which has just opened a store in Seoul.