Wow have we got a story for you.... on our second trip out looking for fabulous over-forties to photograph, That's Not My Age was feeling decidedly uninspired. Maybe all the super-stylish people had left town for the Bank Holiday weekend, or maybe they were avoiding the busy Southbank. Whatever. After an hour or so it was time for a toilet break. So heading back to the Royal Festival Hall, we spotted a very fine looking woman sitting out front with friends. hair casually tied back with a scarf, cute sunglasses and a real life boyfriend jacket, " I'm wearing this jacket because I'm cold. it's my boyfriend's,' she told us later.Yes, really!
A couple of minutes of dithering ensued before photographer, Dvora went over to ask if we could take a picture. After a bit of persuading by friends, the lovely lady nervously agreed. We chatted for a few minutes and Dvora started snapping,' What's your name?' asked the photographer, 'Julie,' came the reply. Ohmigod, this stunning woman with her very own bohemian style was Julie Christie! Star of some of our favourite films - Billy Liar, Darling, Far from the Madding Crowd, Shampoo, Don't Look Now - and of course, more recently an Oscar-nominated role in Away from Her. Stunned and in a complete tizzy, That's Not My Age's mind went blank:
TNMA: 'Oh blimey, I've just realised who you are. I love your work!That film in Canada - you were fantastic.'
JC: 'Oh I thought that's why you'd asked for my photo.'
Dvora: ' No, we just thought you looked cool!'
And then it was over, Julie Christie went back to her friends, Dvora and That's Not My Age went off for a stiff drink. Completely dumbstruck. Well and truly stunned by the style, beauty and genuine loveliness of a proper movie star. Swoon. We Love JC.