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10 things I like.... no, LOVE... about FANTASY SHOPPING!!

Fantasy shopping is something I have invented over the past five and a half months. Ok, so a quick goggle search for 'fantasy shopping' proves that I did not in fact invent the term but I have certainly perfected the art.

Fantasy shopping is a little like window shopping but it has the edge, I think. It is online shopping without hitting the 'checkout' button. Here are my 10 reasons why I have come to love it so much:

1. Money is no object. There is no need to fear one's credit card bill or bank balance after a fantasy shopping spree.

2. No store snobbery. You can check out really expensive stores on line without having to worry about the looks the security men will give you when you walk in. And what's more, you can 'buy' from these stores too!

3. Warm and dry. There's no need to go out in the cold and wet in the winter. You can stay wrapped up warm and dry inside, in front of the computer screen.

4. No opening hours. You can shop at 4am or 11pm or even 1pm. Whenever you want!

5. No bags. Fuss and baggage free!! Not shopping means that I travel light these days.

6. No queue rage. Saturday queues and crowds drive me into an uncontrollable frenzy. I hate them. On line shopping fantasy sprees have none of these. Thank goodness!

7. Anywhere in the world. The world is quite literally your shopping centre. You are not confined by postcode, country or postage fees when fantasy shopping. You can go anywhere you want.

8. No scary changing room mirrors. Or lights. The lights in some changing rooms are soooo unflattering. Why do you think they put lights in changing rooms that make you look so ill; they do not entice you to buy the clothes you are trying on one bit.

9. Try something new. You can go outside of your comfort zone and 'try' something completely different and new.

10. It's fun!! Most importantly.

Of course, many of these also apply to internet shopping in general. Tell me about your fantasy shopping sprees.

More soon. Love, SG