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For anyone who hadn't noticed, I'm a camera geek. I am by no means an expert or anything close to being one, but I love old cameras.

This extends to old Polaroid cameras. I found the one below in a charity shop about six months ago for a few pounds. It didn't come with any film so I had no idea if it would work. Once I took it home and started to look for film on the internet I discovered just how difficult and expensive it is to get your hands on any. But I persevered. I love the colours of polaroid photos and I love the instant gratification of taking the photo and having it in your hand moments later. I also love watching it appear. Alright, I LOVE POLAROID. There, I said it.

In my search for new film I came across the Impossible Project: having acquired Polaroid's old equipment and factory they "aim to re-start production of analog INTEGRAL FILM for vintage Polaroid cameras in 2010". According to an article in last month's WIRED magazine, black and white Polaroid film should be available again very soon. I really hope it is.

On Friday night I went out for dinner for a friend's birthday and decided to take my Polaroid camera. The film is not cheap and there are only 10 shots in a film. I had had this film lying around for some time and decided that I couldn't just hold on to it, if I was going to spend the money I should at least use it!

This is what I ended up wearing - the photo is now living on our fridge, next to the gorgeous black and white New York calender from the in laws!

I am wearing New Look black jumper dress, silver flower DP necklace, Debenhams blue tights and DP ankle boots.

Here are a couple of other photos from the evening and some other Polaroids I found:

I found a Sharpie pen was great for writing on the bottom. They make such a good souvenir of a special occasion. I think.

For more Polaroid photos, check out Polanoid.