The Chanel hamper may be sitting in my virtual fashion bin but it's not been forgotten. Oh no. Armchair research tells me that the wicker basket with the double C logo is actually a pétanque bag, on sale for one thousand seven hundred and seventy English pounds. Here it is in the latest issue of Vogue with a very helpful fashion sum:
One Chanel pétanque bag - the boules = the chicest picnic hamper in the world.
I'm sorry, even if it were handcrafted by fairies and contained the Kaiser's own boules, I still wouldn't pay nearly two grand for it, not when you can buy this luxury willow picnic hamper with oiled leather straps - and all its contents - for a mere £99 from John Lewis:

Do the fashion math and make that £1671 - the chicest saving in the world!
What do you think Karl Lagerfeld should do with his boules?