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Style Icon: Livia Firth

Livia Firth is my new style crush! It is no secret that I have been in love with her husband for the last 15 years...!! Like hundreds of women (my grandma included!), ever since I saw Colin Firth emerge from the lake in the BBC's 1995 production of Pride and Prejudice I have been in love! And now Livia joins her husband in my affection.

Over the recent red carpet season, Livia Firth has been completing her very own "green carpet challenge" which she has been documenting in a blog for Vogue, right here.

Below you can see some of the photos from the challenge. I think she looks just as chic and stylish in her "dressed down" moments as she does on the red carpet.

Source: Vogue.co.uk

Style icon season continues next week here, with another home grown icon. If you have missed the previous style icons featured on the blog, check them out here.

Tell me, who is your style icon?