That's Not My Age Illustrated
Wherever you go in the world, you can guarantee, there's going to be an amateur street artist creating way-too-flattering images of tourists with more traveller's cheques than sense. Like any sane holidaymaker with better things to do than sit around on the quayside being gawped at by strangers, That's Not My Age has never felt the urge to get involved in this ego-fluffing exercise. But last week, the lovely people at M&S, gave me the opportunity to have a portrait painted by Japanese artist, Yoco Nagamiya. And having five minutes to spare, I accepted. So, tah dah! Tonight sees the official unveiling of That's Not My Age the illustration (actually this is a photo of the illustration, the real thing is much clearer and brighter). Younger and with fewer lines than the real thing, I'd like to think there's a reasonable similarity. After studying this work of art for a wee bit longer than was absolutely necessary, even Mr TNMA recognised me.
A subsequent visit to the Dior Illustrated, René Gruau & The Line Of Beauty exhibition at Somerset House confirmed my belief that when it comes to fashion and style, less is definitely more. Gruau worked with Dior, first as at Le Figaro in the 1930s and then on sketches for the New Look and perfume advertisements in 1947. His elegant brush strokes created witty, understated illustrations. 'Do exactly what you want,' said Dior, 'we speak the same language.'
Dior Illustrated, René Gruau & The Line Of Beauty is on at Somerset House until 9 January 2011.
For more information on Yoco Nagamiya