Calling all bloggers who wish to make a little money from their creative writing skills!
Does that sound good? Well, you might just want to visit ebuzzing and think about joining their network of bloggers and advertisers who work together to create interesting content and a little money along the way too. Ebuzzing are: "a part of the Wikio Group and allow you to display videos and publish articles about brands that you like, when you want, whilst earning".
I know that some bloggers feel uncomfortable about monetising their blogs and that it will in some detract from their credibility and control over their blog. I felt like this too but ebuzzing understands the uniqueness of a blog and that is it and should remain a place to express yourself. They not only acknowledge that each blogger and blog has their own individual style but they also embrace and encourage this. There is no possibility of readers being duped by a post written for ebuzzing as they insist that the disclaimer “Sponsored Post” be included in your article.
We all work incredibly hard for our blogs and – although I would never dream of only writing sponsored posts and love to be constantly striving for new ideas and posts – it is sometimes nice to be compensated for the hours spent working on the blog.
Ebuzzing choose the campaigns for which you are suitable using criteria relating to your blog and to the specific campaign requirements, so they should always be relevant to what you write about.
A week ago, ebuzzing asked me to, to imagine my perfect campaign: who are the brands you’d love to work with? Now, that is easy. I would love to work with any one of my favourite high street fashion brands, from Topshop to New Look, River Island to Zara. However, I have also spent some time over the past week thinking about the idea of being more ethical when shopping, so would value working with an ethical clothing brand, like Tree People or even American Apparel. Interactive posts and posts that tell a story always seem to engage me most; what, do you think, would be the best way to create an original experience between you and these brands?
Are you a blogger? Have you monetised your site? Would you think about? What are your thoughts? I’d love to know what you think!
If you are interested in joining the ebuzzing community, all you have to do is register now.
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