Whoa it's chilly in the That's Not My Age office/our spare room today. So cold, in fact, I'm wearing my dressing gown over my clothes. Pretty damn stylish, eh? To help overcome any further indoor fashion blunders, I've found some lovely winter accessories to help you keep warm and carry on blogging:
1. Cosy up an old office chair with a cute knitted cushion (or just cling onto it for comfort when Blogger crashes, see above)
2. Fingerless gloves allow hands to rattle away at the keyboard in sub-zero temperatures. That's Not My Age has been wearing a pair for days.

3. If like me, your desk is by the window, a polo neck jumper makes the perfect draft excluder:

4. A hectic office schedule (sitting around for hours on end, looking at the pretty snow) calls for at least one pair of chunky knit socks:

And if it gets any colder, I'll be wearing one of these:

Do you have any special winter blogging kit?
Cushion: Donna Wilson
Gloves and socks: Toast
Jumper: Acne at my-wardrobe
Hat: M&S