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This is the official one-year anniversary of FBFF! So Katy wanted to do something about gratitude for the big day. As she says, we each have so many people in our lives and in the blogging community who have helped us along the way. It’s time to shine the spotlight on them and give credit where credit is due.
1. When it comes to me personally – I owe a lot of who I am to:
This could very quickly turn into a very soppy and emotional post - so I promise to try my best not to let that happen!! But I guess the way I was raised by my parents influenced who I am today. My parents always made it clear that it didn't matter what I did (within reason, of course), only that whatever it was made me happy. I think that knowledge that they'd always be proud of me, whatever I was doing, gave me the confidence to study what I wanted and to pursue the career that I wanted.
2. When it comes to me professionally – I owe a lot of who I am to:
My dad, my A-level history teacher, all of my politics lecturers, my first boss when I interned in Brussels and my current boss. My dad and I used to have "our" time whilst watching the 10 o'clock news or Newsnight or Question Time. I remember the 1997 election as the first time I really began to take an interest in what was happening and who would be running our country. I couldn't yet vote but my dad and I would spending many an evening discussing the different parties and debates the rights and wrongs of one policy or another. Then I had the chance to study British politics post-WWII for a part of my history A-level and suddenly realised that this was what I wanted to study at university. My very different and varied modules at university confirmed this and my lecturers' enthusiasm for the subject rubbed off. And the rest, as they say, is history!
3. When it comes to the art of blogging, I’m grateful to these people for helping me through some rough spots:
Not sure about rough spots so much but when I got a little disheartened recently, it was the lovely V of Grit and Glamour who made me smile again - and not lose my cool. I also think, that on this first birthday of the FBFF Group, Katy deserves a special mention - even if I'm ever feeling a little uninspired the FBFF questions always get me thinking about something new and interesting.
4. One blogging challenge I’m grateful happened because it made me stronger was…
Last summer, I attempted to do the 30 for 30 challenge and failed after just a week or two. I was so pleased when it came around again a couple of months ago and even though it took me a while, it felt like such an accomplishment to finish it, I was so glad to have had the opportunity to take part again.
5. To my readers, I’d like to say…
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