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My Style Pinboard

Tell me, do you have this problem? I have a folder on my computer (both at work and at home) that is entitled "inspiration" and is filled with photos that inspire me that I find every day as I stroll through the interweb. But then when I want to find one of these photos for a post or even just as inspiration for getting dressed in the morning, I can't. I'm at home and the photo is on my work computer, or I'm at work and I saved the photo to my laptop the other night when I was watching Lewis/Midsomer Murders/some other quaint English detective programme.

Now I have found a solution:

Pinterest has kind of been on my radar for a while now. So I went to check it out and it turns out that it is exactly what I have been looking for. Somewhere I can "pin" all of those photos that inspire me and that I can access from any computer. Perfect.

Have you tried Pinterest? If you have an account, let me know and I can follow you! (I think that's how it works!!)