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An Ode to Urban Outfitters!

I love Urban Outfitters.

Just putting it out there.

I spend hours 'fantasy shopping' on UrbanOutfitters.co.uk. I could spend even longer.

I love the quirky items that it stocks.

I particularly love the jewellery. Jewellery is definitely my downfall and it is always a bit different in UO.

 I also love the unusual gifts they stock, like the range of Lomo cameras.

Everytime I walk into an Urban Outfitters store, it reminds me of New York. Happy times.

I bemoan the fact that there still isn't an Urban Outfitters in Cardiff. Please, UO open a lovely new sparkly store in Cardiff? Pretty please!!

In case you hadn't realised, I went to Urban Outfitters today. In Birmingham. I bought two gorgeous necklaces in their sale. Lovely.